Acupuncture is the strategic insertion, penetration and manipulation of needles on the body for therapeutic benefit.
Instantly recognised worldwide as a Chinese medicine treatment, acupuncture is not only the strategic insertion of single use sterile needles into the known acupuncture points to treat, relieve or heal a variety of diagnosed conditions, but can also be delivered needle free using low level laser light therapy, acupressure and An Mo Tui Na (Traditional Chinese Remedial Massage) that effectively and beneficially manipulates the acupuncture points and the energy channels or meridians through therapeutic massage.
- focuses on drug-free pain relief
- can be effective in the treatment of acute and chronic ailments as shown in research studies which have been collated in the Acupuncture Evidence Project.
- takes an holistic approach by addressing the underlying cause of the condition, as well as the symptoms. The approach links body, mind and emotions.
- assists in the prevention against disease and the maintenance of general well-being.
Chinese medicine practitioners are CMBA registered acupuncturists who provide acupuncture treatments after completing 4years theoretical training that also includes 650-1000 hours of clinical practice.
There are many non-registered therapists and other allied health care providers who claim to do acupuncture, dry needling (just another name for acupuncture) or myofascial/trigger point therapy (a western term for Chinese Ah Shi acupuncture) with as little training as a 20hour online course or weekend course.
Acupuncturist is a protected title under the National Law but acupuncture, which is what acupuncturists do, is not a restricted practice so as long as other therapists don’t claim to be an acupuncturist, the National Law does not protect you from these weekend trainees.
Why risk a treatment from the poorly trained or undertrained? The importance of your health and wellbeing demands that you are treated by a properly qualified, trained and registered Chinese medicine acupuncturist who is required by the CMBA to maintain their knowledge and skills, annually completing ongoing professional development.
You are worth it, to be treated by the most qualified!
Acupuncturist – Chinese Medicine | Dry Needling |
Minimum Bachelor Degree | As little as a 2 hour online course |
Government accredited practitioners | No government accreditation |
Holistic – balance of body, mind and spirit | Puncture painful muscle areas |
Mandatory ongoing training | No ongoing training |
Strict infection control standards | Unknown standards |
Professional indemnity insurance for acupuncture is mandatory | Some practitioners may not be covered for acupuncture or dry needling |
You can find your nearest qualified acupuncturist by using our practitioner search.